Friday, April 2, 2010

So Sookie Stackhouse is Bi?

After perusing the web this morning while enjoying a nice cup of espresso roast, I came across an article which stated that Anna Paquin has come out of the closet and announced to the world that she is bisexual. I can't help but be suspicious that the star of a fairly sexually oriented show on HBO happens to chose now (2 months before the premier of the season) to come out with this announcement. I am not saying that I don't believe Anna, but she couldn't have picked a better time to get True Blood back in the limelight.

After reading the article I got to thinking that there is one major double standard out there that I am guilty of. I honestly don't think any less of Ms. Paquin for sleeping with other women, where if the news were to come out that some random actor (say Brad Pitt) were bisexual, it would make me think less of him. I know that isn't fair, but I don't think I am alone in this thinking and I also believe most women would probably agree with me on this as well. Anyway, this blog is for random thoughts so there you go.

Till next time

Group: Metric
Album: Fantasies

1 comment:

  1. If it makes you feel better, Brad Pitt is gay...LOL! Crazy stuff about the Anna chick. She is one of those girls that needs to get attention now that she is on a successful show. That's what Hollywood does to people...
